Throughout the past several weeks, I have sat down at my computer so many times, wanting to write…starting to write…a few sentences come and I press delete. I write a paragraph and then delete it. Other times I just fall asleep out of exhaustion. There are so many times where I want to communicate my heart, share stories, tell about God’s amazing provision, but I want it to be the right words…the right timing…and nothing about me. I am terrified of writing something that glorifies me and does not bring honor to the Lord. He must become greater; I must become less seems to be the resounding words in my mind and heart lately. That is the cry of my heart, but so many times my life does not show it. To so many people, I or “we” who live down here are heroes or angels, but it is just our calling. It is an odd feeling when you know you are far from perfect...or far from hero or angel status. I fail at pleasing the Lord. I fail at spending...