Its 2:30 a.m in the morning (Saturday) and I'm in a taxi heading to Santiago with Davidson, one of our 10 year old boys in the orphanage, who has been having major breathing problems this past week due to asthma and bronchospasms (which is a new word I learned this week...I should have listened to my dad when I was little when he wanted to talk to me about medicine). I never wanted to be a doctor or nurse, but the past 7 years has taught me more than I thought I'd ever have to know. I don't want to make this too long, but one of our missionaries, Brittany, was with Davidson in Santiago for almost 3 days in the hospital. They returned to Haiti and it didn't improve much. Brittany and I kept a close watch on him at the girl's house because we had to administer meds and nebulize him when he was having the breathing crisis'. The girl's house is the only house that had a working generator, which gives us electricity. Our other main generator blew up 2 weeks ago (...